China University and College Admission System

Monday 15 March 2010

NPC Corpse in the air Quest

Hi all, meet again in this new post. Thank you for always waiting for my update, and this time i want to share about NPC Corpse in the air Quest. This quest is the next step after you done the 4 heroes quest. If you are not well done that 4 heroes quest i suggest you done it first, because its a pity if not. Why? Because this next step quest will increase your reputation from Greenhorn to Rookie easily.

Ok lets we continue. Did you still keep the Q from NPC Claire (Madame Recomendation Quest) as i have told you so on my last post about 4 heroes quest? I hope you are still keep it. Because this quest can be execute with that madame recomendation quest. Now lets we get to it. Please prepare for 11 pcs of magic powder and 1 pc of nixie scale, you can get them easily from killing nixie bale in upstream of glasis river (west of elim town), 2 pcs aleph cristal, you can get from killing aleph in ends world or buying in the market, and 2 pcs beargal, from bear in the east laywook forest, 3 pcs of milk buy from the tavern or bar.

All of the quest material is Ready now? Come on lets move on. First we go to Madelin town, to meet Amelia or Emilia in seal online indonesia (the servant of wise man Brandon or Markus in seal Indonesia). Give to her the letter from NPC Claire, and she will angry because the letter is fake or plain letter without any words. Do not to worry its a trick from her to test us. Then choose number 1 until you get Convicting Amelia/Emilia Quest in your inventory. Now we go to the church, located behind the house of Brandon. Meet NPC Erantes there, talk to her that you would to help her cook. After that, you talk to one of the children (Gypsy Kids) besides her and asked what they would like to eat. Keep on clicking until she said "I want Nixie Soup", because you only bring material for Nixie Soup.

After that you click on the NPC Kettle to cook a nixie soup. Oow dont forget to ask for a cup of water to NPC Erantes before cooking. Pour all of the material that NPC Kettle asked and Done. Give the food to the children and she will tell you that your food is tasty and she will tell the good thing about you to NPC Amelia/Emilia.

Back to NPC Amelia, and she will ask you for apology and she let you come in to the NPC Brandon/Markus Home. Meet with him inside the house, as usual i choose all option to know about the story, and he will give you a Quest of Corpse in the air quest in Clement mine 3rd floor. Getting out from his house meet the NPC Amelia/Emilia asked for Aleph Cristal (you got 3 now, keep it for the next quest).

Now we go to Zaid town, go to the clement mine. Before you enter the warp of clement mine there is a Travel Agent standing in front of the warp. Talk to her and she will summon you directly to the 3rd floor of the clement minem so you dont have to walk far away going inside the mine. At the 3rd floor you will see the Cross sign and Q sign, DO NOT GO THERE, because it's for the 7 rainbow Quest/Dimension Quest as i describe on my last post here, just walk through that and turn right, follow the street and at the end of the road there is NPC Corpse in the air standing.

Click on her, break the aleph cristal, and follow the story. After that walk back to the cross sign again, meet with the NPC Travel agent, ask her to sent you back to the front of warp clement mine. Now we go back to the NPC Brandon/markus house, and report to him what you saw there. Choose all option until you get Brandon/Markus answer. Got that, then you must going back to NPC D.End at the tower of training to report.

Meet NPC D.End, report to him, and he will told you to meet someone in Adel Monastery to find out if he saw NPC Arus hanging around there. Ok lets go to Adel, meet with NPC Greywind, click on him and he will asked you to bring Aleph Cristal. Click again, and he will give you a quest to deliver a mysterious drug to give to NPC Vivi in west of laywook forest. Go to her, located in the middle of west laymok forest on gypsy camp, surrender the drug and she will give you meat. You can eat that or give it to the pet Lol hahaha. Ok, click once again, asking for souvenir, and she will give you name card quest.

Back again to Adel, meet with NPC Greywind and he will give you Amulet of dismantlement to use on the Quest sign behind him (place with the strange force).
Click on it, break up the aleph cristal, follow the story. After it finish, going back to NPC D.End to report. After it he will give you a task (Not quest) to getting confident from NPC Arus by getting the lion crest from NPC Arus. Well, since we already have it before after doing successor quest (you can read here, all you have to do just meet with NPC Arus in the Tavern/Bar in Elim town, chose talk option, and about Lion Crest option.
. Then you going back again to report to the NPC D.End and he will give you Quest to observed something in West Laymok called Occur in laymok forest Quest. Its located nearby NPC Vivi Location.

To do this Quest i recommended you to having party minimum of 2 members (your self and other) if you are bellow level 90. Or if all member is below level 90, you must going with more member with Mage inside the party. Why? Because you have to beat 3 type of monster, spin x cor, Lizardman, and Hamariel. Mage is very useful for Lizardman coz its very thick. But, if you are having above level 90 (91 above) you dont have to beat the monster.

Here is the step:
1. Group or party bellow level 90.
Go to the laywook forest west, seek for the NPC Brainwashed Glora located in area of golden plumber. Click on it, chose option scaring with your weapons and enter the cave, beat the 3 monster, and the important is Hamariel, because Hamariel is only one. The Other is Hagariel. Be careful. After beating all, you will be summon to NPC Martin. See my Explanation bellow after step 2.

2. Group or party level 90 above.
Same as above, but you are not looking for NPC Brainwashed glora, but NPC Guard, located opposite from NPC Vivi. Ask your friend of level 90 above to talk with the guard by showing the Lion Crest, and the guard will let your friend to come in. Ask your friend to summon you inside. After you have been summon, walk straight until you find a big square where there is NPC Martin is standing.

After you (which way that you chose above) meet NPC Martin, He will stop you and tell you that this is too far. This place is called Door of Dimension rift, created by agreement between NPC Claire and the Bale, interesting, just click and follow the story until you got Door of Dimension Rift Quest.

Got that Quest now we go meet NPC Claire ind Elim Town. Meet her and she will mad at you, choose all option until you get the Blaze Crest from NPC Claire. Got the Crest, and we are going back to NPC D.end to report about it. After you report it, he will give you reward fame, increase your reputation from Greenhorn to Rookie and also give the next quest Gardel Mage Quest.

Congratulation on your new Reputation Rank, for the mean while lets we ended here first, keep the quest on your inventory, be passion, i will continuing again on the next posts. See you again and thank you for your time. Enjoy your leveling for the next quest because it need your higher level (100++) to beat the monster.

Tha thaa...

Love SEAL^^



Ferry ganteng said...


~*Bintang-Narondang*~ said...

wkwkwkwk Ferry ganteng aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Anonymous said...

cc, wa maen di sealindo server elios.
reput wa dah rookie lvl 16*, masi bisa mabil quest ni ga y ? thx b4

~*Bintang-Narondang*~ said...

@Anonymous kk maaf baru bales skrg, baru ada waktu untuk buka website. Quest ini dulu apa belom kk ambil setelah jadi greenhorn? Klo belom kk bisa ambil klo quest madam recomendation masih ada di invent. Kalau sudah ga ada coba aja kk klik ke claire masih ada ga quest buat ke rumah markus. Kalau masih ada bisa dilanjutin kok, ga pandang level. Pertanyaan aku tuh kk jdi Rookie lewat Quest apa? Apa cuma lewat Quest surat dari dropan momon?
Saranku sih karena kk udah rookie, ini quest klo masih isa diambil di claire ambil aja, simpen di inevent, tapi jangan dijalanin dulu. Kalau udah level 160++ kk ambil quest di sevis aja quest di sentral misi sevis sampai reput kk mencapai 200K. Kalau udah 200K baru deh ambil ini quest sampai bunuh hanail. Hasil yang didapet dari Q ini sampai hanail kira-kira 30K lebih reputnya klo ga salah (lupa mode ON wkwkkwkw) jadi reput kk nanti isa tinggi. Gimana?

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